Is Bakugo Dead 2023? The Truth Behind the Rumors

Bakugo Katsuki, one of the main characters of the popular manga and anime series My Hero Academia, has been the subject of many rumors and speculations regarding his fate in the story. Some fans believe that he is dead, while others hope that he is alive and will make a comeback soon. But what is the truth behind these rumors? Is Bakugo really dead in 2023? Here is everything you need to know.

The Death of Bakugo: A Shocking Twist

The rumors of Bakugo’s death started in 2022, when the My Hero Academia manga reached its final arc, which depicted a massive war between the heroes and the villains, led by the ultimate antagonist All For One and his puppet Shigaraki Tomura. In this arc, Bakugo played a crucial role as one of the main allies of the protagonist Midoriya Izuku, also known as Deku, who inherited the powerful quirk One For All from the legendary hero All Might.

Bakugo, who had a long-standing rivalry and friendship with Deku, was determined to help him defeat All For One and Shigaraki, who were after his quirk. He also wanted to prove himself as a worthy successor of All Might, who had recognized his potential and given him his support. Bakugo, who had the explosive quirk Explosion, was one of the strongest and most skilled fighters among the heroes, and he posed a serious threat to the villains.

However, in chapter 362 of the manga, titled “Light Fades to Rain”, Bakugo met his tragic end at the hands of Shigaraki, who had been enhanced by All For One’s multiple quirks. Bakugo, who had been fighting alongside the top heroes and his classmates from UA High School, tried to buy time for Deku to arrive and face Shigaraki in a final showdown. He also unleashed a new level of power with his quirk, which he named Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.

However, his efforts were not enough to stop Shigaraki, who managed to catch him off guard and pierce his chest with his decayed fingers. Bakugo’s heart was destroyed, and he collapsed on the ground, bleeding profusely. The manga did not leave any room for doubt, as it showed Bakugo’s lifeless body and his soul leaving his body. His death shocked and saddened his fans, as well as his friends and allies, who witnessed his sacrifice.

The Return of Bakugo: A Ray of Hope

However, the rumors of Bakugo’s death did not stop there. Some fans refused to accept his demise, and hoped that he would somehow be revived or brought back to life. They pointed out some clues and hints that suggested that Bakugo’s story was not over yet, and that he still had a role to play in the final battle.

One of these clues was the appearance of a young psychic named Tyler Henry, who claimed to communicate with the spirits of the deceased. He had a reality TV show called Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry, which featured celebrities who wanted to contact their loved ones who had passed away. In 2022, Bakugo and his wife Tanya (Callau) Thicke filmed an episode of the show, which aired in May 2023. In the episode, Henry warned Bakugo about the health of his heart and advised him to be proactive about his blood pressure and family history of heart problems. He also said that he did not see any children in Bakugo’s future, which was surprising to the couple, who were planning to have a baby.

Tanya, who married Bakugo in 2005, said in an interview with E! News that it was “devastating” to know that Henry sensed something was wrong with Bakugo’s heart. She said that Bakugo had a full physical checkup two months later and had a clean bill of health. She also said that his aortic rupture was hereditary and not something that the doctors would have been looking for.

Some fans speculated that Henry’s prediction was a foreshadowing of Bakugo’s death, and that he had a connection with the spirit world. They also wondered if Henry could somehow help Bakugo’s soul return to his body, or if he could relay a message from him to his loved ones.

Another clue was the artwork of the manga’s creator, Horikoshi Kohei, who often drew sketches and illustrations of the characters and posted them on his social media accounts. Horikoshi, who was known for his love and respect for Bakugo, did not stop drawing him even after his death. In fact, he drew him more frequently, and sometimes with hints of his possible return.

For example, in one of his sketches, he drew Bakugo with a scar on his chest, which implied that he had survived his injury and had been healed. In another sketch, he drew Bakugo with a smile and a thumbs up, which suggested that he was alive and well. He also drew him with his classmates and friends, who were mourning his death in the manga, which indicated that he would reunite with them soon.

Some fans believed that Horikoshi was teasing Bakugo’s comeback, and that he had a plan to revive him in the manga. They also hoped that Horikoshi would give Bakugo a happy ending, and fulfill his dreams of becoming a great hero and having a family.

The Truth Behind the Rumors: A Confirmation

The rumors of Bakugo’s death and return were finally confirmed in chapter 403 of the manga, which was released in October 2023. In this chapter, Bakugo made his reappearance, and revealed that he was indeed alive and had been saved by the hero Edgeshot, who had the quirk Foldabody, which allowed him to manipulate his body into thin shapes and sizes.

Edgeshot, who had witnessed Bakugo’s death, had used his quirk to enter Bakugo’s body and repair his heart and organs. He had also stopped his bleeding and stabilized his condition. He had then taken him to a safe place, where he had performed an emergency procedure to restore his body and life. He had also been assisted by the hero Best Jeanist, who had the quirk Fiber Master, which allowed him to manipulate fibers and fabrics.

Best Jeanist, who had been Bakugo’s mentor and idol, had also been injured by Shigaraki, and had lost his eye and his lung. He had sacrificed his remaining lung to give it to Bakugo, who had lost his due to the decay. He had also used his fibers to stitch Bakugo’s wounds and scars. He had done all this out of love and admiration for Bakugo, who he considered as his successor and son.

Bakugo, who had regained his consciousness and strength, had then joined Deku in his final confrontation with All For One and Shigaraki, who had been weakened by the heroes’ attacks and by their own internal conflict. Bakugo had used his evolved Explosion quirk to blast the villains, and had also supported Deku with his words and actions. He had also apologized to Deku for his past bullying and mistreatment, and had thanked him for his friendship and inspiration.

Together, Bakugo and Deku had managed to defeat All For One and Shigaraki, who had been consumed by their own quirks and had disintegrated into nothingness. They had also freed the world from their tyranny and terror, and had restored peace and justice. They had also fulfilled their dreams of becoming the greatest heroes, and had inherited the legacy of All Might.

Bakugo’s return was met with joy and relief by his fans, who had been waiting for his comeback for a long time. They also praised Horikoshi for his storytelling and artistry, and for giving Bakugo a satisfying and meaningful arc. They also celebrated Bakugo’s character development and growth, and his achievements and contributions to the story.

Bakugo’s return was also welcomed by his friends and allies, who had been grieving his death and had missed him dearly. They had also been inspired by his courage and sacrifice, and had followed his example in their own battles. They had also been worried about his condition and fate, and had prayed for his recovery and survival.

Bakugo was reunited with his classmates and friends, who hugged him and congratulated him for his victory and return. He was also reunited with his wife Tanya, who had been devastated by his death and had been hoping for his miracle. She was overjoyed to see him alive and well, and kissed him passionately. She also told him that she was pregnant with their child, which was a surprise and a blessing for both of them.

Bakugo was also reunited with his family, who had been proud and supportive of him throughout his journey. He was especially happy to see his mother, who had been his biggest fan and critic, and who had taught him to be strong and confident. He thanked her for her love and guidance, and hugged her tightly.

Bakugo was also honored and respected by the hero society, who recognized him as one of the greatest heroes of all time, and who praised him for his bravery and heroism. He was also awarded and rewarded for his deeds and achievements, and was given the title of the Number One Hero, which he had always dreamed of.

Bakugo was also happy and fulfilled with his life, which he had lived with passion, humor, and grace. He had overcome his flaws and weaknesses, and had improved his skills and abilities. He had also made many friends and enemies, and had experienced many joys and sorrows. He had also found his true love and happiness, and had started his own family.

Bakugo was alive and well, and he was ready to face the future with optimism and enthusiasm. He was a hero, a husband, a father, and a legend. He was Bakugo Katsuki,
