WWE RAW Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For June 12, 2023

It’s Monday night, and you know what that means! WWE RAW will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

WWE RAW will start this week at 8:00 PM EST, as always. match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Things are starting to pick up as we get closer to WWE Money in the Bank. Tonight, Imperium will face off against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. We will also get to see who will qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match as Damian Priest faces Matt Riddle and Cody Rhodes faces The Miz. The updated match card is as follows:

  • Imperium (Gunther & Ludwig Kaiser) vs. Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens
  • Qualifying match for the Money in the Bank ladder match: Damian Priest vs. Matt Riddle
  • Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz

WWE RAW Opener:

The opening package for the show airs.

Rhea Ripley’s music plays and she walks out to the ring. Adam Pearce unveils the new Women’s World Championship and hands it to Ripley. Dominik runs down to the ring and celebrates with her. He then places the belt around her waist.

Rhea Ripley gets on the mic and asks Dominik to tell the crowd how amazing she is. Dominik says the crowd’s boos are disrespectful to both of them. He says he will always be there to support her.

Cody Rhodes’ theme song plays and he comes out to the ring. Cody says they can talk about Rhea and her legacy. He says they could talk about his match with The Miz later tonight. He then watches Dominik slapping him last week and says he wants to talk about that.

Cody says it would be nice to hear Brock Lesnar’s music but he doesn’t have the courage to face him again. He then challenges Dominik to a match at Money in the Bank. Dominik says he is not afraid of anyone and he embarrassed Cody in the middle of the ring.

Cody says it’s either a yes or a no. Rhea says Dominik is more of a man than Cody or anyone in this arena. Rhea accepts the challenge. Miz tries to attack Cody from behind but is punched. Cody sends Miz out of the ring and Dominik hits him from behind and runs away.

*Commercial break*

Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz

The match begins and Miz hits a dropkick. Cody sends Miz outside. He hits a suicide dive. He sends Miz into the ring and hits a dragon screw. Rhodes attacks the leg of Miz. Cody attacks The Miz in the corner. Cody is sent to the apron and dropped on the steel steps.

Miz sends Cody into the ring. Miz attacks Cody in the corner. Cody is sent into the post. Miz sends him into the steel steps.

*Commercial break*

The Miz attacks Cody in the corner. Cody hits a side effect. Cody hits a power slam on Miz and follows it with a disaster kick. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Miz fights back with the kicks to the chest and he follows it with a DDT. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Cody escapes the skull-crushing finale and hits the Cody cutter. Rhodes then hits the Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Becky Lynch is shown talking with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. She then walks to the ring.

Becky Lynch vs. Chelsea Green

Becky Lynch’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Becky gets on the mic and says she is going to Money in the Bank. She says there is one thing that has eluded her and that is winning the Money in the Bank ladder match but she has a good feeling about this year.

She says the person that is number one in the company is the one with the power and no one holds more power than the winner of the MITB briefcase. She says she really likes power. She says that she has the power to make the champion scared and when people get scared they do dangerous things and she likes it because it makes her better.

Lynch then says Trish was so scared, she got herself an insurance policy in Zoey Stark. Zoey Stark’s music plays and she comes out. Stark says Becky has a list of accomplishments but she will never beat Trish Stratus.

Becky says she has so many failures but she has learned from every one of them. She then says she knows that Stark is special in the ring but she also knows that Stark lacks a personality. Stark is pissed and says Becky became famous because someone broke her face and she is trying to hold on to her fame. Stark has she will break her face at MITB. Becky invites her into the ring to fight. As Zoey approaches the ring. Chelsea Green’s music plays and she comes out.

Chelsea says she was attacked unprovoked and she didn’t fight back because she didn’t want to coster Sonya the match. Becky says they’ve had enough talk and asks Chelsea to get in the ring to fight her.

The match begins and Lynch knocks down Green and hits a dropkick. Chelsea is sent outside.

*Commercial break*

Green goes to work on Becky. Chelsea slams Becky’s face into the turnbuckle. Lynch climbs the top rope but is stopped. Green is knocked off. Lynch with a missile dropkick sending her outside. Becky sends her into the barricade multiple times. She sends Chelsea into the ring.

Chelsea goes for the rollup but Becky transitions into the disarm her and makes Chelsea tap out for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Judgment Day is shown walking backstage. Rhea says Cody will get smacked by Dominik at MITB. Rhea asks Finn if he is ok and he says he has a lot on his mind. Priest asks Judgment Day not to interfere in his MITB qualifying match and walks away as Balor looks at him.

Qualifying match for the Money in the Bank ladder match: Damian Priest vs. Matt Riddle

Matt Riddle’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Damian Priest’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Priest attacks Riddle. He goes for a kick but Riddle catches him and locks in the ankle lock. Priest gets to the rope forcing a break.

Riddle with a sleeper hold on Priest who drives him into the corner. Riddle knocks down Priest. He attacks him in the corner. Priest sent to the outside. Riddle goes for a kick but is dropped on the apron. Priest is sent flying over the announcer’s desk.

Riddle sends him into the ring and attacks him in the corner. Priest fights back with a flat liner. He attacks Riddle in the corner. Priest with a backbreaker on Riddle. He then goes to work on Riddle.

Riddle fights back and hits the exploder suplex followed by the broton. Priest rolls outside and Riddle kicks him before diving onto him. He sends Priest into the ring and hits a German suplex.

Both men exchange strikes. Priest hits the broken arrow on Riddle.

*Commercial break*

Riddle locks in the ankle lock on Riddle. Riddle transitions into the sleeper hold. Priest rolls out of it and hits Riddle with a clothesline. Priest attacks Riddle in the corner. Priest hits the headlock driver on Riddle. Cover! 1….2…..kick out.

Riddle climbs the top rope but is stopped by Priest. Riddle hits a fisherman suplex from the top rope. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Riddle goes for a moonsault and misses. Priest hits the Razor’s edge for the win.

Winner: Damian Priest

Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser come out. Priest leaves the ring and asks them to pick the bones. Gunther and Kaiser attack Riddle viciously.

Cathy Kelley interviews Cody who says Rhea accepted because Dominik wouldn’t face him. He says Dominik is going to get hurt. He then says no one is going to knock him off his path.

*Commercial break*

Byron Saxton interviews Natalya who says being herself has gotten her nowhere and maybe she doesn’t know how to be her. She walks away and Sami and Kevin walk in. Owens says he was close to beating Gunther but tonight they have payback. They are interrupted by Imperium. Kaiser says Owens lost against Gunther last week.

Sami calms him down and says it took three of them to beat Owens. He asks where is Vinci. Adam Pearce interferes and asks what is going on. Sami says everything is fine. Kaiser asks them to put the titles on the lines. Owens gets angry and accepts the challenge before storming out. Zayn says they are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions and walks away. Gunther asks Pearce to make it happen. Pearce says he will think about it.

Ricochet vs. Bronson Reed

Ricochet’s music plays and he walks out to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Bronson Reed’s music hit and he makes his way to the ring.

The match begins and Ricochet attacks him in the corner. Bronson Reed knocks Ricochet down. Shinsuke Nakamura comes out to the ringside area. Reed plants Ricochet on the top rope. He then knocks him down again.

*Commercial break*

Ricochet kicks Reed in the head and hits a springboard dropkick sending him outside. Ricochet with a suicide dive. Ricochet with a crossbody and a springboard moonsault. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Reed rolls to the apron. Ricochet knocks him down and goes for a moonsault but is caught and sent flying into Nakamura.

Reed sends Ricochet into the ring and climbs the top rope but Nakamura attacks him forcing a DQ.

Winner: Bronson Reed via DQ

Ricochet and Nakamura argue and Reed attacks them both from behind. He then climbs the top rope but is stopped. Ricochet and Nakamura superplex Reed off the top rope.

Sami and Kevin are discussing their match. Sami asks about Owens’ recent blow-ups. Owens says it’s been months of frustration because of the Bloodline and now they are being interrupted by Imperium. Sami asks if he will be good when they go out there. He says he will be great and he goes to get some water.

Finn Balor is shown walking backstage.

Adam Pearce is on the phone backstage and he confirms that Zayn and Owens will defend their titles against Imperium. Ricochet interrupts and says he needs a rematch against Reed next week. Pearce tells him Bronson is already booked in a match next week against Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura walks in and Ricochet warns him not to interrupt in his match again.

Finn Balor’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Balor asks Seth Rollins to get out here so that they can talk. Rollins’ music hit and he comes down to the ring. Balor says he beat Roman Reigns on his first night on RAW and even became the first-ever Universal Champion.

The crowd keeps singing Seth’s song and Balor is not happy. Rollins asks what he wants to say. Balor says the biggest moment of his career became the lowest point in his career because of Seth. Balor says the crowd doesn’t even know Rollins.

Balor says Rollins took everything away from him when he injured him. He then says it’s his turn to take Rollins’ momentum away from him. He says he is going to take it all from Money in the Bank.

Rollins laughs and says he is laughing because this is the Balor he has been waiting to see for seven years. He says their match sent them on different trajectories because Balor got bitter while he got better.

Rollins says he has done some bad things over the past seven years but he has made memories and moments that the fans will never forget. He says he was able to do that because he got better every day.

He asks what version of Balor is going to come to London because the bitter version of himself doesn’t stand a chance but the Balor that beat him seven years ago has a chance. He then walks out of the ring.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Shayna Baszler

Raquel Rodriguez’s music hit and she walks to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Ronda Rousey’s music hit and she walks out with Shayna Baszler.

The match starts and Raquel hits a fallaway slam on Shayna. She does it again. Shayna rolls out of the ring. Raquel sends her back into the ring. Shayn knocks her down. Shayn goes to work on Raquel.

Raquel hits her with a clothesline. She then hits a twisting senton. Ronda distracts Raquel allowing Shayna to roll her up for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

Erik vs. Chad Gable

The Viking Raiders’ music plays and they come out to the ring.

The match starts and Gable takes down Erik. Erik knocks him down. Gable hits a diving headbutt off the top rope. Valhalla goes to attack Maxxine but she takes her down. Gable with a rollup for the win.

Winner: Chad Gable

Balor is shown talking to JD McDonagh. Priest walks in. Balor congratulates him. Priest also congratulates him. Balor asks if Priest will cash in on him if he wins MITB. Priest says he has his word and says Balor should keep his word too. He then asks Balor to end this feud with Rollins at MITB.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens (c) vs. Imperium (Gunther & Ludwig Kaiser)

Kevin Owens’ music hit and he walks out. Sami Zayn’s music plays next and he joins Owens and they both walk to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Cathy Kelley interviews Seth Rollins who says he is prepared for Balor. He asks if Balor is prepared for him because he will lose his mind after he wins at MITB. He issues an open challenge next week on RAW.

Imperium’s music hit and they make their way to the ring.

The match starts with Sami Zayn and Gunther in the ring. Gunther with an uppercut to Zayn. Gunther with a headlock takedown. Gunther is sent outside. Zayn dives onto Gunther.

*Commercial break*

Kaiser knocks down Zayn who comes back with an arm drag. Sami with an elbow off the top rope. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Sami tags out and Owens hits the senton on Kaiser. He then hits a moonsault on Kaiser. Owens hit a clothesline and a senton.

Gunther tags in and knocks down Zayn. Kaiser tags in and attacks Zayn sending him out of the ring. Gunther slams Zayn on the apron.

*Commercial break*

Zayn with a sunset flip powerbomb on Kaiser. Both men tag out. Owens attacks Gunther and hits a clothesline and a senton. He then hits an exploder suplex. Owens with a superkick. He then hits a cannonball and climbs the top rope. Owens with a Swanton bomb. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

Owens goes for a stunner but Gunther kicks him in the face. Both men tag out. Zayn hits an exploder on Kaiser. Gunther pulls him out and tries to chop him but catches the post. Zayn goes for the blue thunder bomb but Kaiser counters and slams him. He tags out and Gunther hits a lariat. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Gunther with another clothesline on Sami. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Imperium hit the Imperium bomb. Cover! 1…2….Owens breaks it up.

Update coming soon….

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